Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh

Yoga Poses For Bad Postures

Your body posture tells more about your body. Good posture is the first key to a confident personality.

Our Spine is the core support for our whole body and so the immune system is situated in the spine. The Ancient yogis have given so much importance to the spine. All the asanas we perform are very helpful to make our spine flexible and as the spine gets flexible the healthier and long life you will live.

As we are in the race of development we are developing in the field of science, more ease to our lifestyle and much more. But in this race of development although we are trying to develop in all aspects we are losing the race of health.

Technology has given so much but don’t you think we are paying so much for this. The posture of your spine leads to your lifestyle. The more good posture you have a healthy lifestyle you will get.

There are many causes which make our body posture bad some of them are like sitting in front of the computer during work or performing wrong activities. These are also the reason for the bad immune system.

Healthy Spine = Healthy Immune

Yoga Asanas are the pre practices for meditation or pranayama. A practitioner has to be more consistent when he sits in any of the asanas for meditation.

Performing asana are not only for the benefits on the physical level but keeping the practice will make you sit in a particular asana for a long time and it also helps in losing the stiffness in the muscles of the legs and on your back.

An article has been published by Harvard Medical School about the risks of the poor postures.

While back and neck conditions top the rundown of potential stance misfortunes, there are numerous others —for example, poor parity, migraines, and breathing challenges.

“Scientists are likewise investigating whether act influences temperament, rest, weakness, and jaw arrangement.”

Three different issues connected to poor stance may astound you.

1. Incontinence: Poor stance advances pressure incontinence — when you release a little urine in the event that you giggle or cough. Slumping expands stomach weight, which puts weight on the bladder. The position likewise diminishes the capacity of the pelvic floor muscles to hold against that weight.

2. Constipation: Poor stance on a toilet — slouched over with your knees lower than your hips — can advance obstruction. That position shuts the butt to some degree and makes it harder for the stomach muscles to help move excrement out. The blockage is described by less than three solid discharges for each week’s hard, dry stools; stressing to move the insides and a feeling of the deficient clearing.

3. Acid reflux and moderated assimilation: Slumped act after supper can trigger indigestion brought about by heartburn (when stomach corrosive squirts back up into the throat). “Slumping puts weight on the guts, which can compel stomach corrosive off course,” clarifies Dr. Kyle Staller, a gastroenterologist at Harvard-associated Massachusetts General Hospital. “Also, some proof proposes that travel in the digestive organs hinders when you slump. As I would like to think, it presumably plays a little job.”

These are the very few causes occurs because of the bad posture. Although there are many other causes also.

Because of the bad posture, there are many muscles which get tighten and some muscles get weaken.

Muscles that gets tighten:

  • Hamstrings
  • Quadriceps
  • Hip flexors
  • Lower back
  • Calves
  • Chest
  • Shoulders
  • Muscles of the front of the neck

Muscles that get weaken:

  • Glutes
  • Abs
  • Latissimus dorsi
  • Rhomboids
  • Muscles in the back of the neck: trapezius

You can switch the harmful impacts of poor stance with these five straightforward yoga presents. They work to discharge distinctive muscle gatherings while at the same time reinforcing different muscles.

To do this extending schedule, all you need is a yoga mat, a yoga tie (or towel), and two yoga squares (not mandatory).

You can do this succession up to three times each week, taking into account something like one day of rest between each set. And if you are a fitness freak or after a few weeks you can do these Asanas daily. You can relax in these asanas, do some breathing exercises also the breathing exercises will be too good to perform with these asanas.

So here we go now:

1. Ashwasanchalan: AKA Horse Riding Pose.

This asana helps to keep your back straight and also gives the stretch to the quadriceps muscles in front of the thigh. Helps to loosen these muscles and also helps to strengthen the hips, legs, ankles, and feet and induces the balance in the nervous system.

Follow these easy steps to perform the asana:-

1) Come in the plank position.

2) Keep one leg in between both the hands.

3) Keep back leg straight and knee on the ground.

4) keep the 90-degree angle in between the calf muscles and lower thigh muscles.

5) back straight and look forward.

Breathing: 5-10 deep inhalations. Increase the no. of breaths as you increase the timing for the practice.

Duration: Repeat the posture with both legs and with the breathing.

2. Bhujang Asana: AKA Cobra Pose.

This asana resembles the position of a cobra.

A standout amongst the most widely recognized indications of poor stance or posture is adjusted shoulders, originating from a tight and abbreviated chest and a forward head. This posture brings the shoulders and the neck again into arrangement while likewise reinforcing the whole back.

Follow these easy steps to perform the asana:-

  • Lie flat on the stomach, Legs straight, feet together.
  • Palms flat on the floor below the shoulders, fingers close and pointing forward.
  • Inhale arch your back lifting head up and pointing the chin front with slightly bent elbows.
  • Eyes close and just focus on your back.

Breathing: Inhale while raising the torso. Breathe normally in the final position or retain the breath if the pose is held for a short time.

Duration: Practice up to 5 rounds, gradually increasing the length of the time in the final position.

3. Shalabh Asana: AKA Locust Pose.

This posture steps the shoulders once more into the arrangement and fortifies the whole back, the glutes, and the hamstrings.

  • Begin by lying on your midsection with your temple on your tangle and your toes untucked.
  • Entwine your fingers behind your lower back and pull your legs together.
  • Keep your neck long as you breathe in to lift your chest, feet, and legs off of the ground.
  • In the event that you can lift your hands up off your lower back.

Breathing: Hold for 8 breaths, at that point breathe out to discharge gradually.

Duration: Practice up to 5 rounds with proper breathing and slowly increase the practice as your strength increases.

4. Setu Bandh Asana: AKA Shoulder Bridge.

Sitting puts quadriceps and hip flexors into an abbreviated state, frequently prompting tight and feeble hamstrings and lower back. This posture extends tight hip flexors and quadriceps while additionally reinforcing the lower back and hamstrings.

  • Lie on your back with your knees bowed and feet on the ground at hip-width separate. Walk your feet as near your body as you can.
  • Spot your arms down close by your body with your palms face down. They ought to be almost contacting your feet.
  • Breathe out as you press your palms into the ground to lift your hips up towards the roof.

Breathing: Hold for 8 moderate breaths all through the nose, at that point gradually move down to your back one vertebra at once.

Duration: Try to hold this asana for 3min. As you get perfection in the asana try to increase the time span up to 15 min.

5. Matasya Asana: AKA Fish Pose.

This loosening up posture alleviates snugness in the chest and shoulders, switching poor stance brought about by sitting.

  • Start by putting a yoga hinder at low or medium tallness over the highest point of your tangle.
  • At that point place another square underneath it at a similar stature with the goal that it is going vertically down your tangle, making a T. The squares ought to be a couple of inches separated.
  • Utilize your hands to drop yourself down onto the squares, with the top square supporting your head and the base square resting between your shoulder bones.
  • Lay with your legs long and your arms resting close by your body, palms face up.

Breathing: Keep your breathing normal and dep.

Duration: Close your eyes and relax for 2-5 minutes. You can also relax with no time bound.

When you get the correct position of the posture using the block or if you don’t have the blocks don’t worry you can still relax in this position. Just follow the steps without the blocks or props and place your crown head on the floor with the support of your hands and hold then keep your hands on your thighs.

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