Yoga To Look Young and Beautiful
Whenever you read this line the importance of your face and eyes suddenly gets the value. In this 21st century, the things with which we are surrounded are very technologically polluted.
About 60-70% of the world population uses the digital mediums, It is more like the devices say, like our so-called smart-phones have become a un-discriminated identity from our body.
In research conducted by marketers dot com in 2017, on average, an adult spends 12.5 hours per day on digital mediums.
Do you think this is not affecting our health?
Of course, it does, let me explain why?
The most culprit behind making our eyes and face dull is the BLUE Light emitted out from the digital devices.
Here is the Answer:
Long haul introduction to concentrated blue light vitality can cause skin harm, including shading changes, irritation, and debilitating of the skin’s surface.
Basically, blue light advances stressors in the skin that reason photograph maturing, that is, maturing from introduction to light.
The specialists propose that the dynamic pulverization of light-identifying cells in the eyes because of delayed presentation to blue light could, along these lines, add to age-related macular degeneration, which is the main source of visual deficiency. …
“It is a well-known fact that blue light damages our vision by harming the eye’s retina.
The most widely recognized sort of LED utilized in electronic gadgets is a white-light LED, which really has a pinnacle discharge in the blue wavelength run (400 – 490 nm).
The fact is Our eye’s cornea and focal point are unfit to square or reflect blue light.
So, I think the above mentioned Answer is sufficient for you guys to understand why this blue light is so dangerous.
We all know “the beauty lies in eyes of the beholder”
True right but, just think for a while what will happen if the eyes of the beholder are polluted by the digital mediums.
This may sound funny to most of the people but if you think form an angle it is so true.
So to enjoy the beauty of nature and make your face beautiful here are some yoga practices which will help to keep your eyes shining and face glowing.
Not only these practices will help you with your face and eyes but we all know that summers are striking so some of the practices will also help you to keep your body cool and also help to increase the concentration power of your brain.
Although the benefits of the practices which I am going to tell are more than just you can imagine or we mentioned here.
So just take your Yoga mat and with your reading try to perform the practices also so you can experience the effects of the practices also.
So let’s start with your eyes: There are so many yoga practices which can help you to deal with your eyes health. Here we have mentioned 3 major practices that will work great for your eyes health as a wholesome.
Number 1: Eyes Movement:
This is as easy as it sound.
Note: Before starting your practice if you wear your glasses remove them and wash your eyes with normal cold water.
So for eye movement practice, you can sit in any comfortable position keeping your spine straight and slightly lift your chin up. Now slowly start moving your eyes in the given directions:
- Left side and hold for 5 sec.
- Right side and hold for 5 sec.
- Up and hold for 5 sec.
- Down and hold for 5 sec.
- Now rotate your eyes clockwise 5 times.
- Rotate your eyes anti-clockwise 5 times.
Now when you complete this practice close your eyes for some time and rub your hands to generate heat in between your palms and place them on your eyes then open your eyes gently within your palms.
I told you, So relaxing right?
You can do this anywhere and anytime.
You can use your thumb to maintain the focus on one point and just look at it for at least 5 sec.
Number 2: Shambhavi Mudra:
The great yogis never forget to consider this mudra in their meditation regime.
This Mudra also known as “The Eyebrow Centre Gazing Gesture”.
Sit in any thoughtful asana like Padmasana, Siddhasana, Sukhasana or Swastikasana.
The fingers can expect Gayana mudra or Chin mudra or the palms can lay on the knees.
Shambhavi mudra is only looking at the eyebrow focus. With our eyes, we can’t really observe where the two eyebrows meet. In any case, an endeavor is made to center the vision between the eyebrows. Roll both the eyes upwards and endeavor to look at the eyebrow focus.
When you do this, you will probably observe the two eyebrows as two bent lines meeting at the middle. It frames a sort of V-molded line with a plunge at the inside.
Focus the eyes on this dunk in the lower focal area of the V-formed line.
Keep up this situation for whatever length of time that you can. At first, the eye muscles will begin to torment the following a couple of moments or inside minutes. Loosen up the eyes and take it back to the typical position. Rest for quite a while and attempt once more. With training, one can keep up this look for a longer timeframe.
Inhale regularly amid training. As you continue with the contemplation strategy, your breath will back off and become progressively unpretentious.
Shambhavi mudra can bring one into profound conditions of contemplation.
Number 3: Tratak:
Very well known and easy practice. We can recall your childhood when we play a game called “Don’t Blink Challenge” remember.
This practice is very similar to that: You just need a candle and a dark room.
Here is how you practice:
Sit in any comfortable position.
Keep the candle in front of your eyes on a small table which makes the candle just parallel to your eyes and keep it 1-2mt. away from your eyes.
Light up the candle and gaze the flame without blinking your eyes and try not to move the eyeballs.
keep your body steady and continue the practice at-least for 1-2 min.
When tears shredded out from your eyes close your eyes and relax for some time now with closed eyes try to visualize the flame in between your eyebrows.
Continue for 1-2 min.
You can repeat the practice 2-3 times.
This is best to increase the concentration and focus it also develops the best memorizing ability.
“The above practice helps to tone and strengthen the muscles around your eyes.”
These were the practices for your eyes. Now Check the practices for your face. The practices which I am going to tell you are very easy and these will help you to fight the heat in the body and makes your body cool.
Number 1: Sheetali Pranayam and Kaki Mudra:
Kaki mudra is also known as The Crow’s Beak practice and Sheetali Pranayam is the Cooling Breathe.
Kaki Mudra: This Mudra cools the body and mind and soothes the mental tension.
The posture in this mudra helps to tone the cheeks muscles.
All you have to do, just sit in any comfortable asana and keeping your head and spine straight.
Purse the lips, forming a beak through which air can be inhaled.
Relax your tongue.
Inhale slowly and deeply through the pursed lips. For exhalation close the lips and exhale slowly through the nose.
Repeat the practice for 3 to 5 minutes.
Sheetali Pranayama:
In Ancient content Hatha yoga Pradipika Sheetali pranayama and Sheetkari pranayama is referenced.
The procedure of Sheetali Pranayama is fundamentally the same as Sheetkari pranayama. Sheetali Pranayama and Sheetkari is likewise a breathing method (Pranayama).
The essential motivation behind the Shitali Pranayama is to diminish or chill off the body temperature, this may have a positive effect on our sensory system and endocrine organs.
Individual winds up youthful and beguiling by rehearsing this procedure which is referenced in Hatha yoga Pradipika. An individual can control thirst and craving with day by day routine with regards to sheetali Pranayama. This has been referenced in antiquated books which are identified with Yog.
Sit easily in any reflective posture like Padmasana, Swastikasana e.t.c.
Keep your two hands on knees.
Presently bring your tongue such a distance out and overlap the two sides of the tongue like a cylinder or straw.
Take a long, profound inward breath through the cylinder in the tongue which is shaped by collapsing the two sides of the tongue.
After Inhalation closes your mouth and breathes out with the two nostrils.
Repeat this around 8 to multiple times.
This practice makes your tongue muscles strong and tone the muscles of your cheeks.
Number 2: Simhgarjan Asana:
Simhasana or the Lion Pose takes after a hunching down lion in the last posture.
In Sanskrit, ‘Simha’ signifies ‘Lion’ and ‘asana’ signifies ‘posture’.
Simhasana is generally simple to perform and should be possible by all, from any age gathering.
Sit in the Vajrasana. Move the knees separated so they make very nearly a correct point between them.
Fold your palms, under your thighs. The palms should confront downwards and point towards the body. A substitute route is to keep the palms on the knees extended and spread wide separated.
Curve forward marginally, resting the heaviness of the body on the arms.
Presently, tilt the head in reverse. Keep the eyes wide open.
Open your mouth and draw the tongue forward and downwards as much as you can.
Look at the space between the eyebrows with eyes wide open.
Inhale ordinarily and profoundly in this position.
Amid exhalation make a sound ‘ahhh… ‘, to mirror the breathing of a lion with tongue outside. You may likewise thunder like a lion, multiple times in this position. Loosen up your muscles in the back, guts and chest in the last position.
Stay in this last position for whatever length of time that agreeable.
In certain varieties, the tongue can likewise be moved from side to side making the sound ‘ahhh… ‘.
This practice tones the muscles of your entire face including your eyes and tongue.
You can repeat the practice for 5-7 repetitions (long and loud).
“The above-mentioned practices are very helpful to keep your face look young and not only the outer impact of these practices but also they impact internally”
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